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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Outdoor Wheels the worst and best

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For the best I'd say the Hyper Pro 250's. Just flat-out durable wheel, I can even hockey stop with them. I bought eight of them almost two years ago, and I am still skating on the same set. And I play outside ALOT. I haven't tried the World Cups yet, but they also seem to be good.

For the worst I'd say Kuzak wheels.(Here comes a story). Me and my friend both bought a set of them since they were on the cheaper side. I dont know what model they were, all I remeber is they were black. Anyway, after about two days(6 hours of playing) of use, mine were almost completely trashed, little chuncks just kept breaking off and made them almost impossible to skate on(by the way I play on smooth asphalt, and sometimes concrete) and yes I did make sure they were outdoor wheels. So I thought it was just bad luck, except two days later my friends back wheel broke in half! Then after about a week of use his did the same thing mine did. I don't know if the Kuzak wheels have changed since then, or I just got a bad batch.

Hope that helps. If I were you I'd either go with the 250's or World Cups.

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Best Wheels:

Hyper Pro 250 - normally around 6 bucks a wheel


2nd Place:

Rink Rat World Cup - also normally 6 bucks a wheel


They are both good and well worth the money.

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I like my Factory Shadows, seem to be holding up fairly well for, what I believe to be, an outside competetive wheel, and the performance is great.

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Thanks for the input I think Ill go with the Rink Rat WorldCup's. Since I have the 950's should I stick to the same size wheels that came on them? Whats the advantage of the front wheels being smaller?

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i personally use old indoor weels. some good ones are the rink rat worldcup.

I've often done that as well. Don't last as long, but beats buying new wheels. :D

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well if any of u need outdoor wheels i have full sets of 8 wheels hyper pro150 $29+shipping and pro250 72/80mm 84a for $35+shipping all r brand new never used!!just pm me!!

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Just bought a set of Rink Rat WorldCups at HockeyBranch for like 5.90 or something. Its was pretty cheap. These will work with any bearings right?

Yes they will.

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personally, i cant get used to anything but my custom set up, which is 80mm Red Star Tritons on the back and 72mm Labeda Asphalts. plus they look cool and are durable, less so for the red stars though.

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