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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shootout miss

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tonight my team went into a shootout, and i botched and missed, had i scored we woulda won. i feel like garbage so im venting...stupid hockey......

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in one of my playoff game... i missed twice.. once when i was the first shooter, and again during sudden death after the first five didn't settle anything.....it's alright though, it's not the end of the world

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Yea I did the same thing during a game a couple weeks ago and I seriously thought I was gonna be jinxed for the next couple years. Came back the next game and had 2g,2a and we won 4-3.... so don't focus on it hard as that may be.

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thanks guys

never taken one in hockey...in soccer i was 2/3, but they're a lot easier in soccer...

the one i missed i was the 5th shooter and we lost - it was a good shot too, but the goalie read it and made a good save :[

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thanks guys

never taken one in hockey...in soccer i was 2/3, but they're a lot easier in soccer...

the one i missed i was the 5th shooter and we lost - it was a good shot too, but the goalie read it and made a good save :[

I've played a lot of competitive soccer, and I haven't scored on a PS since I was in U-9. I've missed so many I don't bother no more. Hockey, I'm 0 for 3 in my opportunities.

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