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New Trilage onepiece

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I've been seeing the new Trilage hockey stick showing up all over the NHL and NCAA. I've also seen guys like Zach Parise using it and have heard that it is the best stick on the market. Where can you get it and has anyone else tried it? It's two toned Gold/silver or Red/silver. Can anyone help me out? I know the company started with a trianlge, but this is different.

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Sounds like someone fed you a line of BS, I mean marketing. The new Trilage is nothing more than yet another OPS and it's not related to the old company in any way.

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The only answers I have is where you can't buy it. I've seen Trevor Daley, and a couple euros from the Dallas Stars, Matt Cullin from Florida, and I'm sure I've seen some others, but I dont remember all the names. I don't know who is using the name, but I'd like to know more about the stick. Their web-site says under construction

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It's Sande marketing the stick under another name (the one under their name bombed) and they're nothing special about it. Every manufacturer is making OPS, or I should say is having them made. They're all slightly different but none is light years ahead of the rest.

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so then you've tried it or seen it? I just checked out their web-site and didnt see anything. My son heard about it from some friends at Shattuck St. Marys in Minn. They said this ones the real deal, and he wont leave me alone until I find it.

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The stick's not in the pros, I'm certain of that.

Parise played at Shattuck and he wears Sande gloves, so he was probably testing it out.

Sande has not paid licensing fees for any of his products, so that means they are not used in the NHL unless they are blacked out.

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See if you can find a dealer that's carrying Sande gloves in your area and call them. They didn't have them at the Expo in January and Gary never mentioned it so they must have just put it together, or purchased the design, recently.

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The Trilage one-piece has nothing to do with Sande Hockey. The old Sande one-pieces could have been used in the Summer Olympics as pole vaults, but the new Trilage is not affiliated with Sande....and it's not the old triangle.

Some kids at Shattuck ended up with the Trilage one-pieces. I guess a rep visited the school to deal with Zach and JP, and left some samples. Anyway, the kids there LOVE the stick. I tried one out, too, and was extremely impressed. The stick truly seems to have been 'engineered' as opposed to thrown together with fancy graphics and an established name. I'd like to get my hands on a few more and give them the long-term spin. I hope they go on sale soon!

And if 'pros' aren't using it, then you better ask Trevor Daley, Jeff MacMillan, and Rob Collins what they were using if it wasn't Trilage. ;)

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Interesting, I was told by several people that Gary bought the name and that a respected name was making them. If those were the guys using them, it explains why nobody has noticed them.

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I smell a rat here. Sounds to me like someone is trying to promote the product in a "guerilla" sort of way.

I am sure that the mods have no problem with your involvement in being on their website, but, it just sounds fishy that you are telling everyone to ask certain players what they think of the stick, and these are guys that aren't exactly household names.

Whatever the case may be, hopefully they bring something to the table that is worth wild.

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Maybe you should just ask Gary. That will clear it up.

As for the guys using the stick: Daley is 20 years old....has a BIG future in the NHL. Zach Parise is a 1st round pick, MVP of the World Juniors, Hobey Baker Finalist, and CBA-willing he should be a contributor to the Devils next season.

Did you expect a new company with a brand new product to pick up Mike Modano and Joe Sakic right off the bat? It takes time.....

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I'd love to hear Gary's comments but he can't seem to get the hang of registering, I've seen him try three times now but he still can't get it right. Regardless of ownership, find another way to hype the product.

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