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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sande MaxQ's

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Ok guys i need some help.....I wanna get sande max q's....does neone know where i could go online to order these......any one have any that they want to sell???

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Sande is not currently making MaxQ's. In January he claimed that Easton was trying to screw him as they bought the factory that was making the gloves for him. The dies are located in the factory and he can't make any more without the dies.

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Well heres the thing...I want Sande gloves in a size 13 1/2 and i want the trigger finger.....which ones would i be able to get with them specs??Where would i get them??

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You can get max 720s or max 980s with whatever specs you want. Contact Sande or your a dealer. I don't know if Buzz's new shop sells them or not.

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However, the MAX 720 has the added feature of the "Trigger Finger". This feature benefits your shooting and passing accuracy greatly. The trigger finger works by allowing your index finger to freely move, as though it is almost seperated by the glove. You can then fully wrap your finger around the shaft, increasing feel, and in my opinion allowing for better accuracy.

8/10 - -2 points due to lack of grip on palm

Does that take a while to get used to coming from a normal type glove?

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It just didn't feel comfortable when I tried on the gloves. The gloves were decent but they aren't at the top of my list.

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I actually thought the trigger finger was kind of gimmicky when i first heard of it. But once i tried on some gloves with it i thought it was very comfortable and a great idea.

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Guest phillyfan

Since Max Q's seem to be out of the question, I can comment on the 980's. At the time of ordering, I was not sure whether or not to get these and save some money, or the Max Q's. I was directed towards the 980's, to save money and because there isn't a lot of difference between the two gloves. But, the 980's are extremely comfortable, and offer solid protection. Very light and quite durable, palms are holding up excellant. Check out the Sande website if it is still up, I believe there was a list of dealers? If not, I've confused two sites. Believe the home page is www.sandehockey.ca/ .

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I've had 980's and MAX-Q. 980's were a decent glove but they just didn't feel right to me and didn't seem worth the $ premium. I didn't like the MAX-Qs (way too bulky and stiff) even though I thought the Trigger Finger was terrific. It's really a preference thing... Also, the new TPS gloves with the tapered and seemless fingers give a very similiar grip as the Trigger Finger and are a much nicer glove IMO (and for a bit less $$).

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However, the MAX 720 has the added feature of the "Trigger Finger". This feature benefits your shooting and passing accuracy greatly. The trigger finger works by allowing your index finger to freely move, as though it is almost seperated by the glove. You can then fully wrap your finger around the shaft, increasing feel, and in my opinion allowing for better accuracy.

8/10 - -2 points due to lack of grip on palm

Does that take a while to get used to coming from a normal type glove?

maybe one or two skates. Other than that, the trigger finger feels normal. To me, it really does imrpove accuracy, and feel. I guess if you are a real stickler for tradition you may not like it, but I dont personally notice a huge difference in how my hand feels, all I notice is that my shots and passes are more accurate.

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You can get max 720s or max 980s with whatever specs you want. Contact Sande or your a dealer. I don't know if Buzz's new shop sells them or not.

Buzz doesn't have them. Also, Max720 is 13.5" and Max980 is 14.5".

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You can get customs, unless that has changed. Aren't the "I's" smaller?

You could get customs but not length. Only difference from 980 to 720 is length, and standard plastic inserts, but those can be boughten for 720's as well. So the only difference is length basically. And the only int. glove they offer is the 980 Protege, which is 12.5".

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As you can see I didn't stay current on his products. I liked the weight of the 720 and the 980 but they were just too small for me.

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