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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Inno Dual Fit Shaft

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"The first of its kind Dual-Fit and Dual-Kick fused composite hockey stick on the market. With a 12-inch kickpoint built into both ends of the Innovative 1100, you have the option of playing a tapered blade, which is included with the stick, or a standard hosel blade."

has anyone tried this stick? i know 1800faceoff.com is associated with peranis (notorious for garbage) and THG, could this be a SMU because i havent seen them anywhere else, has anyone? thinking about giving her a try, just seeing if anyone else has an opinion, thanks

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Yes, I have tried this stick and was very pleased with the overall performance. There is alot more feel than what you get with any other 2-peice stick and I found that there was more lick on my shots than any other one piece I have used. The funny thing is this stick was originally made by bauer (innovative) for NHL players. After the lockout, innovative repainted the sticks with the innovative logos. If you look down the shaft you can see VAPOR XX on a little area. It might not be there anymore on the new ones, but on the originals it was there. Also, I would like to say hi to all the members as I am a new member.


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I bought 2, and they both felt nice. Although the hosel in the one i've been using is loose after the second skate, I guess that's what I get for not getting a permanantly fused stick like an XX. The standard 150 dollars is a reasonably good price for the stick.

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