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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton 777

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not really if ya don't like it you can sell it or use it to play outside. Your money isn't really wasted even if ya use it for 1 month you still go a bit of your money worth. I'm not say your gonna make money. but it's still not wasted.

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not really if ya don't like it you can sell it or use it to play outside. Your money isn't really wasted even if ya use it for 1 month you still go a bit of your money worth. I'm not say your gonna make money. but it's still not wasted.

Use a one peice outside, that'll sit well with your parents :lol:

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can't be any worse than a bauer vapor 5,6 or ccm vector 80,90,100

and for a 100 bucks if ya don't like it it doesn't really change much

the vapor VI(the blue one) is an awesome stick for $89.I got mine for free but i liked it alot more than my vapor xx.

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Hey Mickz, hows { The One } holding up, feel, performance etc.. i have seen a few in my LHS and seem pretty decent for a price point OPS...

Sorry, the pics of The One and the Apollo I posted aren't my sticks. They're up for sale on this other forum.

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