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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How often do you tape your stick?

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after everygame

my tape usually wears all along the bottom so it needs retaping anyway

i bought stickwax recently and i coat the tape in that stuff especially along the bottom of the blade and that seems to reduce rips and tears by 95%. I'll be buying a lot more of Mr Zoggs :)

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lately just as an experiment i started spraying the elmers spray adhesant on my tape and not only does it seem to give you a little better control but it lasts about 5 times longer. I've found that a good hairspray will keep the tape on there longer also.

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Whenever there is a cut in the tape really so about once every 2 ice times...

Same here when it needs to be tape I change it if it looks ok then I will keep it for a practice but usually I will need to do it for every game

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Usually I will re-tape the blade after every game. If I have a good game and the tape isn't too cut up, I will keep it on. Not because of superstition or anything, just because.

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I retape my sticks like this: Games, before the game and during the third period intermission, then untape at the end. Practices I just tape it up and use it the whole time. I also redo my knob after every three ice times.

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I retape my sticks like this: Games, before the game and during the third period intermission, then untape at the end. Practices I just tape it up and use it the whole time. I also redo my knob after every three ice times.

Wow how much tape do you go through a season?

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My teams buy about 2-3 cases of tape per person for the year. And I usually use about four cases of white tape and 2 of clear.

Each case has about 15-20 rolls.

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I've had tape on for like 4 months at a time. If it's a big game I'll change er' up but normally I'm to lazy to change it.

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I do mine whenever it gets cut up.

I only put a few strips on the stick I use for defense and I usually put a layer of sock tape on the bottom first. I use an AMPLE wax on my sticks. My forward stick I tape the whole blade but I start at the heel and work my way to the toe and then do about 4 or 5 strips diagonally back against the original way I taped.

Again I use sock tape at the bottom.

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