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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pure Fly Great Whites?

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They look like the old AMP series. Like AMP Flyweights or something like that.

Yeah the Ruskie with the old Missions is Alex Korlyuk (spelling?) on San Jose. Nobody can really be sure, he's in the doghouse so much, he rarely sees consistent playing time. Altough, he did have a pretty good season last year.

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They look like the old AMP series. Like AMP Flyweights or something like that.

Yeah the Ruskie with the old Missions is Alex Korlyuk (spelling?) on San Jose. Nobody can really be sure, he's in the doghouse so much, he rarely sees consistent playing time. Altough, he did have a pretty good season last year.

Those arent the Amp Flyweights. I have a pair and they aren't like that.

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Of course they look like AMP series! Ogie posted a pic of a pair, and they say "AMP" right on the side. As far as the Flyweight, that I'm not sure about. I don't remember specific model names. But the color boot scheme is the same, except in Ogie's pic they are that carbon fiber weave color, and in the player's pic they are white.

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