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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Loose Inno carbon blades

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I have one of the newer, retail curve Mogilny, Inno carbon blades and after about 2 month's worth of ice use the blade will not sit perfectly in the shaft. My shaft is an 1100 and I've had the blade reglued 4 times now. Each time I hit the ice afterwards (I allow the glue proper time to set, sometimes more than a day passes) I notice the blade has a wobbly feeling in the shaft. I can't pull it out, but it is not solidly set. It's enough to make shots and stickhandling feel odd and the only explanation I can come up with is the fact that my 1100 is the 0 handle shape. But if that is the case, why did the blade sit perfectly in the shaft and feel solid as a rock for a couple months?

Oh, and this is a non-tapered shaft/blade combo, if that matters.

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Place a strip of tape over the top of the part you insert into the shaft before you apply the glue. One should work but you can add another if that doesn't work.

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Just put a piece of cloth tape over the tendon the way that the blade is moving....add some more glue and you should be set

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yeah, i have that problem too. i just got a standard shape novius and the standard mogilny blade, and i noticed it was kinda loose. luckily, they gave me a bunch of glue on the buttend that i used on the blade to seal it up.

i bought a fedorov standard blade last year and compared it to the mogo i just bought -- the fedorov tenon is longer. on your mogo blade, does the word "innovative" on the side go all the way down practically to the bottom of the heel?

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Common problem at least from my experience. My tapered fed inno blade needed a piece of tape but after that it was fine. My standard had the same problem.

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I noticed that the Inno blades tenon are skinner than other brands so I just take a strip or 2 of tape like others said and it seems to do the trick.

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I have a tapered novius and a tapered inno federov blade. I also had a problem with the blade coming loose. I put a piece of friction tape over the hosel and reglued it, and that fixed it right up. On hte other hand, I bought one of the kovalev commander shafts, and a standard inno kovalev blade required quite a bit of force to fit in, and i havn't had any problems with it coming loose.

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Another thing that I find when putting in blades, one people heat them up, they just shove them in as quick as possible and all the glue comes right off the blade. Put it in slowly and try and get as much glue as possible. Another thing is to heat up the shaft a bit. I usually put the blade about 1cm in, heat up the shaft and the blade and then slowly put it in.

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on your mogo blade, does the word "innovative" on the side go all the way down practically to the bottom of the heel?

Yes, it does go right to the heel. I noticed that right away because I have a graphite inno toe curve blade that didn't go nearly as far towards the heel.

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