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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pondering new gloves

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I have an old pair of Mylec gloves.

They were given to me 7 years ago and were already about 5 or so years old at the time.

I think they are inline gloves

They are extreamly comfortable.

I don't think they offer as much protection as modern ice gloves.

Very broken in, flexable and never come off my hands.

I forgot them and borrowed some Ice hockey gloves for my Ice game last week.

Not only were they much heavier but the thumb barely was movable. I hated them.

I'm in a no check league and this is my first year playing.

Do I need the added protection for some reason I don't know about or just leave it be?

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More protection usually means heavier. If you don't feel the need for added protection, stick with what you have.

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Silly question, but did you have your thumb in the slot which let's it bend or tucked up in behind it.

I would recommend picking up a pair of regular hockey gloves. In rec leagues your hands can take a beating from slashes, hacks, whacks, and the occasional puck across the hands.

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I put my thumb where naturally fit. I"ll pay more attention next time I'm at the store.

I was just saying so because I've seen other people who haven't worn regular hockey gloves before do the same thing. They don't slide their thumb into the forward slot.

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