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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Selanne Stealth

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I know his first ones were Sakic pro clones. He had Sakic's curve flipped to RH and Foote ended up liking it and taking at least one. Joe's old ones were 95's but I've heard he is now using 100s since they are whippier than the old shafts. If Teemu uses the same flex as well as curve, it should be 95-100.

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I know his first ones were Sakic pro clones. He had Sakic's curve flipped to RH and Foote ended up liking it and taking at least one. Joe's old ones were 95's but I've heard he is now using 100s since they are whippier than the old shafts. If Teemu uses the same flex as well as curve, it should be 95-100.

does anybody have a pic of a sakic pro curve? i cant find anything on it. thanks.

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I thought I remember is the last playoffs that Selanne took Foote's Stealth and liked it, so he started using Foote's. I could be wrong, and I'm sure Chadd knows his stuff.

I had a Pro Innovative in Selanne pattern, and the thing was very clubbish. It was very high too, and very square toe. Not too much curve, maybe a little mid curve. I liked it, but it was very heavy. Looks nothing like a Sakic or Lidstrom. But the one on Ebay does look close to a Foote/Lidstrom curve, which is why I think I remember my story above, that Selanne used Foote's pattern and liked it.

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I thought I remember is the last playoffs that Selanne took Foote's Stealth and liked it, so he started using Foote's. I could be wrong, and I'm sure Chadd knows his stuff.

I really thought they were intially made for Selanne but it may have been Foote instead. In either case, they were supposedly Sakic's curve flipped for RH.

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I know his first ones were Sakic pro clones. He had Sakic's curve flipped to RH and Foote ended up liking it and taking at least one. Joe's old ones were 95's but I've heard he is now using 100s since they are whippier than the old shafts. If Teemu uses the same flex as well as curve, it should be 95-100.

does anybody have a pic of a sakic pro curve? i cant find anything on it. thanks.

I had a picture of a Sakic Pro Axion blade in the Sell section.

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I know his first ones were Sakic pro clones. He had Sakic's curve flipped to RH and Foote ended up liking it and taking at least one. Joe's old ones were 95's but I've heard he is now using 100s since they are whippier than the old shafts. If Teemu uses the same flex as well as curve, it should be 95-100.

does anybody have a pic of a sakic pro curve? i cant find anything on it. thanks.

I had a picture of a Sakic Pro Axion blade in the Sell section.

I just searched for it and found it. Unfortunitly you uploaded it with Pifiu so it is gone.

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