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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guest phillyfan

Signed Baseball Question

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Guest phillyfan

My father has a signed baseball of the 1980 Phillies. Problem is, most of the signatures are faded, lighter than they are suppose to be, but still are legible. To the best of my knowledge, it is the entire team. I know the faded autographs will hurt the value, but my question is, Any educated guesses on an estimated value? It sort of came up in a conversation the other day and I am bound to find out now. Also, he has a baseball from the 1930's, from his father. It is also well faded and worn out, has signatures, cannot tell who or what team, or even if it's an MLB club. But, you can see something written along the lines, "1930 Champs." What would a ball like this be estimated at?


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Guest phillyfan

He was planning on doing that sometime in the near future, for insurance purposes, but who would be the right guy to take them to? The Memorabilia shop down the street where the owner will try to screw us? A group like the Antiques Road Show?

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Tell the guy at the shop you're not going to sell it to him. You will probably have to pay him a fee to appraise it so don't be surprised.

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I'd take both of them in and get them appraised.

The faded signatures may pose a problem. I know we have a 1972 series stick used by Pat Stapleton that is signed by the majority of team members, the problem is its in pencil and we fear that it'll wear out the sigs. Infact we don't even tave it in glass or anything :( so moving them may pose a problem.

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Guest phillyfan

I thought that, and know it will have quite an impact, the ball is signed in black ink, but has been handled quite a bit. While we are on the topic of memorabilia, two more questions. First, my madre has a card of some sort, involving the armed forces, that was passed down to her from her dad, now deceased(WHole different story, died of cancer and was stationed out in the Pacific where the Atomic bombs were tested.) Anyway, he received a card for crossing the International Date Line, and ran across Joe Dimaggio, had him sign the back of the card. My grandfather was dead long before I was born, but was a hell of a baseball fan from my understanding. He saved the 1964 Phillies Schedule, and wrote down the outcomes of every single game, if it was rained out, a double header, its noted on the schedule. Also, my father has this gigantic poster, of the Flyers ''76 Cup team. Each players has a facial portrait, with a fake autograph. Not sure of exact demensions, but it takes up a good percentage of my wall, it's also at the Wachovia Centre, in one of the vintage memorabilia cases located alla round. Anybody local have any info on this?

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