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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Viral Videos

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Ok you guys i kinda have a problem right now...

i got this email that said "viral videos" as a topic and i dont know what that is

can someone tell me?

it says "viral" video so im thinking maybe its a program that puts viruses into yr comp when you click on it?


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o yea thats the thing i forgot to add... thnx for reminding me MND

yea anyway so i didnt know what it was so i deleted it.

But the reason why I'm asking this is because im worried that my computer has contracted a virus even if i didnt open it...

i really dont know what it is so if someone could tell me that would be great thnx.

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do some virus scans. i doubt you got a virus from it, if you just opened the email, without opening the actual document.

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do some virus scans. i doubt you got a virus from it, if you just opened the email, without opening the actual document.

You can still get a virus without opening the document...

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