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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Oven bake skates your self

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Hey well I was wondering if any of you have ever oven baked skates your self in your oven or with a blow dryer. I was wondering if you would suggest it, not try it, what you used, and directions on how to do it if possible?

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i tried to do mine with a blow dryer...it didnt work.

my local roller rink has a mission skate oven, and that worked perfect, i wouldnt reccomend doing them yourself. it doesnt work 2good.

also i wouldnt microwave socks to mold your skates to your feet, i stupiditly did it...fyi..its not a good idea

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Yeah epuck's guide is pretty good. It is ideal to use a convection oven. Hair dryers and heat guns aren't a good idea because the heat will be concentrated in small areas.

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Never bake your skates with the wheels still on!

180-200C will melt wheels

Just to avoid anyone toasting their skates, the recommendation is 185 F and not 185 C (185 C = 365 F). I still wouldn't bake them with the wheels on though.

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