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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Curves, help please

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Hello, i'm a lefty that plays defense and Im not quite sure about what curve i want to get for my next stick. I like the Hatcher curve from mission but i wish it was slightly more open. I like deep mid curves with a slightly open face. I take mostly wristers and some slap shots. Does anyone have any suggestions? It would be nice if you had a picture too. Thank you very much.

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It's all personal preference. If you do a search of this forum you'll find lots of previous discussions about curves. Also, the most helpful curve information on the web can be found at epuck:

- Go to http://www.epuck.com

- Then on the left navigation hover your pointer over "sticks and blades".

- When the new menu appears, select, "standard indoor blades senior".

- Now on the right side you'll see a box called "Blade Tool".

- Click that, and you're off to the races.

The Modsquad pattern database is also helpful when you want to narrow your options once you've learned lots using the epuck blade tool. The pattern DB can be found on this site using the top navigation bar.



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you should try one of the lindros' with the larger hook. its a deep mid with little loft. ill get a pic for you if you want.

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