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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm thinking of purchaseing 12 of the Christian 200 Custom sticks. Has anyone ever tried these? Are they a run for your money or do they fall apart pretty fast? If there are other threads about this could you please post a link. Thank very much.

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is there a website for sherwood SOP's or do you have to call or something?

you have to talk to your local retailer about ordering them,to find the price on sop sherwood stuff,go to www.sher-wood.com and click on contact us and ask them the price...sop 7000 sticks are $54 USD each and whatever you order you have to get 6 of

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is there a website for sherwood SOP's or do you have to call or something?

you have to talk to your local retailer about ordering them,to find the price on sop sherwood stuff,go to www.sher-wood.com and click on contact us and ask them the price...sop 7000 sticks are $54 USD each and whatever you order you have to get 6 of

$54 is a lot more than the $32 list price of the custom 2000.

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i think that is a bit too much but i like sherwoods sticks better than christian,but $32 is a great price for a custom wood stick

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