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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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korr skates

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I went to my local Pure Hockey and they have a little pamphlet(sp) about the new Korr skates. As i understand the company has a background of making quality speek skateing skates but are just venturing into hockey. I was told there compsite and fully heat modable. Anyone else heard of them?

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Yes there have been a number of posts on them. They are compsite and heat moldable, they also have Pitch 3 holders on them.I don't know many specs, so I'll leave that to someone else who does.

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I already sold my floor sample, the rest should be in within the next 2 weeks. We've discussed them several times in various topics, but the search function doesn't work on 3 letter words. You may have to do some digging.

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I saw them at the Vegas show and met up with most of their staff at the watering hole afterward. Nice guys.

I didn't have time to try on the skates, but I will say they are light . And that's coming from someone who's skates are fairly light themselves. They definitely appeared to be well made, but I suspect their price might cause some people to hesitate.

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I saw them at the Vegas show and met up with most of their staff at the watering hole afterward. Nice guys.

I didn't have time to try on the skates, but I will say they are light . And that's coming from someone who's skates are fairly light themselves. They definitely appeared to be well made, but I suspect their price might cause some people to hesitate.

We're selling them for less than what I've seen XXX's are going for and much less than a Synergy. Price will be an issue for them but no skate is perfect for everyone.

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Around here the Kor Custom 1's I believe they are called, are going for $649. My friend has gone through 2 pairs in 6 months, but he likes them.

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