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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Danny Syvret 's sL

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Rausch, he broke it within 20 minutes I believe.

PS, that is the first model SL.

20 minutes of passing the puck with friends. I did manage to take one or two wristers with it though. Yes I do still have the stick in a closet somewhere.

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So how did you know if it was an early SL and not an ST?not saying you're wrong or anything

Because people on here were talking about it and I also remember something along the lines of Danny talking about it.

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PS, that is the first model SL.

20 minutes of passing the puck with friends. I did manage to take one or two wristers with it though. Yes I do still have the stick in a closet somewhere.

is it a shaft now ?

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PS, that is the first model SL.

20 minutes of passing the puck with friends. I did manage to take one or two wristers with it though. Yes I do still have the stick in a closet somewhere.

is it a shaft now ?

No, it still has the blade that split apart on it.

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the (<E>) l00k a little weird it is yellow insteid of red if it is a st.

its not an st,chadd even said he had one and it was an sl

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the (<E>) l00k a little weird it is yellow insteid of red if it is a st.


its not an st,chadd even said he had one and it was an sl

i said if never said it is a st . :P

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