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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bought a girdle a while ago on the recomendation of some members of this board, & have been wearing roller pants because I find them cooler & more comfortable than hockey socks. I've recently picked up a shell, and would like the option of looking like a traditional hockey player at times, but I'm embarassed to say I don't know how to hold my socks up. I was never a fan of taping above the shin guards, and my garter belt seems awkwardly tight over the girdle.

What do you guys do?

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tuck them under the girdle or use a compression short with velcro. Mesh socks are a lot cooler than knit ones too.

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I had the same dilemma when I switched to girdles. I just wear the garter under the girdle. The snaps kinda dig in, but it's not horrible and I got used to it.

Then I got a pair of WSI tights that have the velcro patches and they work pretty well.

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Thanks for the tips guys. Maybe I'll try the compression shorts, but I have a hard time fitting stuff inside the legs because they don't have the velcro release & they're pretty tight.

pull the socks up before you put the girdle on and the pressure should hold the socks up without problems.

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Put top of your socks on the rubber knob on the girdle. then after you have done that, hook the tab into the metal slot just like you do when the socks arent on them. its a little harder to do with the socks but this is how its done. your socks wont come loose at all like they do sometimes with the compression shorts.

-hope this helps.

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pull the socks up before you put the girdle on and the pressure should hold the socks up without problems.

I get it now; I didn't realize I could pull the girdle up AFTER my shins & socks were on. Thought it would be too tight, but I tried it & it seem like it will work out pretty good. Thanks.

Hunter, it sounds like you've got some sort of garter built into your girdle that I don't have.

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