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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hockey socks

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i just wear regular ankle socks,i could care less if my feet are wet or dry

A couple of you said the same thing about not caring whether your feet are wet or dry, but you may be misunderstanding the benefits of the wicking garments.

Perhaps a side benefit of wicking garments is they keep you dry, but their main purpose is to keep you cool. Our bodies sweat as a means to cool ourselves, by bringing sweat to the surface of the skin where it can be evaporated. If we couldn't sweat, we'd have a greater chance of overheating. Wicking garments essentially extend your sweat glands out a layer. Whereas a cotton garment would retain the heat around your body, the wicking fabric brings the sweat, and the accompanying heat, to the outer surface of the fabric. The result is you can exert at a higher level for a longer period versus materials that retain heat.

As silly as it sounds, my feet have been cooler ever since I started wearing socks with a wicking microfiber.

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I bought oxysox recently (the CCM version) and i love them - i'll probably just keep buying them if they ever wear out


Same here, I like the tightness of them.

Speaking of hockey socks, where is a good place to get team socks. I have a pair of AK CHI home socks and they are falling apart, I'd like to snag some by CCM or SP.

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