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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ccm skates

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Im thinking of getting a pair of the ccm skates but im not sure whether to get the PF6 or PF8 is there a big performance difference apart from the wheels?

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The biggest difference would be the Hornet wheels on the PF8s. The PF8's have a Microfibre liner, while the PF6's do not. The PF8's also have a different footbed. I have the PF8's and a buddy of mine has the PF6's. Looking at the skates side by side there is almost no difference, except for the footbed inside(which dosen't look much different anyway)

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ive had the pf6 2 of the top eyelets ripped out after 2 games of play took them back gave me the pf8s and now after about 6 games 1 of the eyelets ripped out. they r good skates but the top eyelets r too close to the stitching and they just ripp out while skating and the chassi has too many different size wheels and it feels like u r skating on rockered skates. i will only buy an ice boot now and put my own frames on. ANYBODY ELSE HAVE PROBLEMS WITH THE EYELETS RIPPING OUT ON THE CCM SKATES????

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It's only a $40 difference between the two, which is essentially the wheels. I have the PF8s also, and, no, I don't have any problems with the eyelets ripping out.

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I have the PF10s with no problems, but a buddy of mine did have an eyelet rip on his PF6s, so it prolly is a known issue for CCM

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The one shoe repair place near me got tired of fixing them on Vectors. He was spending more time trying to fix them than people were willing to pay for.

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Nope.. you must be really hard on your skates.. or you just got bad luck.. But now looking at the other responses maybe I'm not hard enough :lol:

I've been playing on my PF8s for about a month now once or twice a week.. no problems whatsoever.. I love em and I would totally recommend them if they fit your feet. (I have super flat and wide feet and they're the best fitting skates I've ever owned. Size 6E)

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well im definetly not hard on skates!! ive used ccm for the past 15 years and this was the first time i bought a roller hockey skate and this keeps happening. im going back to a ccm652 or pro tack with my own chassis. these seem to last me every 3 years. maybe ccm needs to start whippin those little kids overseas who r makin there skates.!!HAHA

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Yeah that was pretty sadistic...

Also,if you want to spend the extra money then get the PF8,if not get the PF6.It basically comes down to that,seeing as how those 2 aren't that different.

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maybe ccm needs  to start whippin those little kids overseas who r makin there skates.!!HAHA

not even cool dude... <_<

that was low. u gotta watch what u say, this site isnt just for americans. thieir are probably people from over seas on it

if i would of said it i would of been kicked off the site

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well i went for the PF8, they just felt more comfy and had alot of support also love ccm's idea for the skate lock.

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