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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wheel problem on concrete

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I play in a league that uses Ice arena floors (smooth concrete) as their main rinks. I have been having some problems with wheels chunking, cracking, etc since I switched over to my new skates (Tour Silvermax with Labeda Milleniums). I'm around 215lbs so I'm a pretty heavy guy and well my first shift out I chunked one of the wheels in a matter of minutes, I switched out that wheel shortly after with a Red Star Stilleto (74A) and that chunked by the end of the game.

After the game I put on one Kuzak zone (74A) also and this one is now starting to show cracks along the middle of the wheel.

I just ordered some Rink rat Hotshots which hopefully provide better durabiliy.

Anyone have any other suggestions as to how I can get better durability, it's only the front right wheel on the Hummer chassis that is falling apart. I never had this problem before when using my Mission's and their Hi-Lo system.


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I also play on smooth concrete floors and am 210lbs. I have had this problem with heaps of different wheels and setups (hilo, hummer, flat). I would suggest going to a harder wheel like 78a to 82a and stay away from redstar wheels. I stick with either labeda, some volcanics, rinkrat and hyper have all worked for me in harder durometers.

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It has to do with allot of things.....

For starters your skating and stopping style will no doubt influence the breaks you're mentioning. That's something you can't change really, unless there is something fundamentally wrong with your stlye, you should look at wheels moreso.

The wheels you've mentioned aren't renknowned for durability. Its a fact really, despite what the sponsored players will say on this board, majority rules and the results are the same here in Australia. I skate on both Concrete and Sport Court here.....Personally the best set up I've been able to find both performance and durability wise is....

Hi-Lo.....72mm RR World Cup---72mm RR HotShot.---80mm RR HotShot---80mm RR World Cup.

Give that a go Hummer setup wise and see how you go, you might be suprised. If not keep experimenting you will find what you are after eventually.

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I too skate on hard concrete and am a heavier player. I have good success with softer 78A Rink Rats on the front 2 wheels and Red Star 82A on the back 2 wheels. Another combo is a RR 78A up front and RR World Cups on the rest of the wheel. Like was already suggested stay above 78A and you should get better mileage out of your wheels.

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I played on the same surface for years and I've been in your ballpark weight. I've had success with:

RR Hotshots (Got about 10 games, plus 20 on Sport Court)

Grippers (Millineum and a few others) --> Full 28 game seasons

Red Star Snipers, full season again

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How about some Hyper Pro 250s? Havent tried the RR World Cups but they look pretty good.

I have 1 pair of skates I use for indoor (Quest 1's) and another pair I use for outdoor or harder surfaces like concrete (Quest 3's) I think it works out pretty well because I dont have to mess with changing wheels back and forth depending on where Im playing.

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