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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I am affraid to see what america will be like in 20 years.  my poor kids.

Me too.

If I ever think about running for president and win, I'll be like Stalin and "purge" the gov. Just to get rid of all this conspriacy, and I doubt I'd hide stuff from the public.

if your goal is to fix problems, may i suggest that "being like stalin" isn't the best way to do so?

he created a hell of a hockey program though.


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I've been looking 9-11 stuff up for over a year. There are a lot of holes in the official story. If you want to see some examples, watch Loose Change, it's free here:


It's anybody's guess as to how it was really carried out, but 19 hijackers couldn't cause all these anomolies. It's an insufficient explanation for the events and backlash, and that should be a cause for major concern.

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I happen to like what Bush is trying to do, albeit its a lengthy process.

...I have to agree. Yes, the current state of this nation is somewhat troubling, sad and extremely unfortunate, but, given the circumstances, I'm not really sure there is an alternative way to deal with this. Everyday I go to school and listen to people complain about the choices being made and actions being taken by Mr. President Bush, but very rarely do I hear anybody, ANYWHERE suggesting any kind of viable solution to the problem.

I honestly believe that part of the problem in today's society are the impressionable yet idealistic (figure that one out...) young people (well, kids my age). Obviously, there are always going to be multiple sides to each dispute, but when we have a large number of people who are arguing for the sake of argument, it doesn't help the situation.

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