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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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blade curving

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hey, i just bought a wood blade and was wondering what the proper and easiest way to re-curve or adjsut the curve is, any help is really apprecaited, thanks

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when you do this how long do you have to keep it bent till if u take it out the door it won't spring back?

oh yeh does anybody know where you can print out a blade measurer to see if custom blades are illegal or not.thanks

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no, the blade wont spring back, unless you havent heated it up enough. otherwise, the curve should stay the way you bend it.

another tip for this would be to stick the blade in something really cold like an ice box or some snow depending on where you live. this will ensure that the curve will stay and wont move at all while it is sitting.

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if you heat up real good and throw it in a vise for a bout 3 minutes while slightly running the heat gun over it the curve will come out nicely. After than run it under some cold water then the curve will stay, ive done it a hundred times.

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hey, i just bought a wood blade and was wondering what the proper and easiest way to re-curve or adjsut the curve is, any help is really apprecaited, thanks

If you want to drop some coin, you get that "pro-curver" device.

Short of that, this has been covered before and lots of people have different techniques (back when I used to do it, for instance, I taped the stick first and applied the heat to the tape (on the blade) so it would help from having the clear coat burn/boil off. Then just crammed it in a door jam and when it was where I liked it, wetted it down with some cold water so it would harden faster and retain it's revised shape)

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