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Hockey Injuries!

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I'M almost positive this has been done before but......who cares!

My worst was a dislocated knee in roller hockey

Most embarresing was sliding back ward to block a 2-1 break away pass and sliding in to the post and hitting my balls (didnt hert much but everyone laughed for ages!)

i intercepted the pass though!


anyone else?

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I collided with a player in non-check hockey. Either in colliding with him, falling to the ice or him falling on top of me, my wrist started to hurt.

You know how you have some injuries that about eight days later you realize, "Hey, my knee's not hurting any more?" Well, three-and-a-half years later my wrist is still hurting. About two years afterward, I saw a doctor who injected me and took x-rays. He said me I probably had torn tendons in my wrist, but they'd healed mostly. And that's the problem, they're mostly healed.

At least once a week, I bend my wrist back into a position that hurts. I wear a brace when I play hockey or workout, and I'm able to deal with the pain, since it's no longer a shooting pain. The obvious solution is I should have it fixed, but that would entail four to five months of rehab. That's a whole season, and I'm not sure whether the scouts are willing to wait that long for a 42-year-old to heal.......

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worst injury: it's a tie. i blocked a shot with my foot a few weeks ago and broke my toe. that really sucked, especially considering my car was broken and i had to walk everywhere. then, a few months ago, i was going for a puck in the corner, facing the boards, and some dude cross-checked me from behind and runs me into the boards head-first. i got a concussion. it wasn't so bad, but i had to play goalie in a playoff game right afterward. i gave up a couple of easy goals because my head was still spinning. on one breakaway, i literally just stood there and watched the puck go under my stick.

most embarassing: a few of my friends and i were playing street hockey on the worst-paved street ever. there were huge stones everywhere that made it almost impossible to skate. i managed to hit one of these stones and fall, and somehow i cut the inside of my mouth. as it turned out, one of the girls who were watching (and who had a huge crush on me) got cold sores or some shit, so she carried around this mouth gel shit that's supposed to heal. anbesol? i don't know. anyway, she saw my mouth bleeding, and she was all "let me help." and then she like stood there holding my mouth open putting this stuff in my mouth. it was really weird.


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I'M almost positive this has been done before but......who cares!

Not a good attitude to have.

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