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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy Skates

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Yes, it is a completely new liner. The old liner is a leather type liner while the new one is similar to the XXX/8090 liner as far as the feel of it. I also didn't have ankle problems with the 1300s while I did have my ankles get torn up by the 04 synergys.

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Yes, it is a completely new liner. The old liner is a leather type liner while the new one is similar to the XXX/8090 liner as far as the feel of it. I also didn't have ankle problems with the 1300s while I did have my ankles get torn up by the 04 synergys.

the older liner was alot softer feel wise, the new liner is abit more rougher it self in my opinion

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At our shop it's free with skates and you get 7 free sharpenings. I suggest buying all skates from a shop instead of online even if they are "cheaper". Without buying skates a bake is $20.

I give 5 free sharpenings with new skates.

same plus some more stuff but think thats a source thing

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a guy at my lhs didnt like the ankles so he used the heat gun and he loves them now ,im buying a pair tommorow most likely and thats probably what im gonna get done as well because everything feals great in them except the ankles.

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Is this a known problem with the Synergy skates? I wore my new 05 synergy 700s for about 5 hours on the ice so far and I love them except I have raw spots above my ankle just above my sock line ( I wear lo-cut socks ). Is this the same problem?

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wanted to thow this idea out there for people who want to re-mold thier skates without an oven.

Get a large pot of water and bring to a rapid boil, then hold the skate over the pot so that the steam gets inside of the skate and softens up the foams in the ankle. after a few minutes place the skates on your foot and tie them like you normally would and it will help with the molding process. The steam will not dry out or damage the liner of the skate. We use to do this all the time on the college team I played on in the mid ninetys before the oven baking craze.

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I was told that the issue of the Syngery skates rubbing on the ankles can be fixed with taking a heat gun and using it on the skates.  What exactly do you have to do???  How long do you leave the heat gun on the skates?  What do you do after they are heated?  Any info on this would be great.  Thanks.

You only want to heat the upper ankle area on the skates, inside and out, and then put them on and tie as you normally would. I did this a couple of times with each skate and the pain problems went away.

Yo, sorry for digging up this old thread, but thats exactly what im looking for.

So, how often can you do that and is there a cool-off phase ?

I mean when im at home, can i heat them up, put them on, let them cool off (how long?) and rerun it ?


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Hey Pantherfan.. I know what you mean !

Prices are the same here in Australia. A couple of years ago when the CCM1052's came out, they cracked the $1000 mark !! Most top of the range skates here are $800-900 AUS.

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