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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lacing variations

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Hi there,

i guess there are a lot of versions to lace your skates and they have like different effects, for example some areas loose, some snug and all this stuff.

I dont mean backlacing just by the way.

Actually, i try to lace my skate as tight as possible but sometimes my toes are pretty red and kinda tired so maybe im doing something wrong.

Bye bye

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i have close to the same problem ,i lace mine tight but then i get lacebite and sleepy toes ,but when i loosen them i cant turn or do crossovers

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hit "lacing for a better fit" when the thing loads.

I use the heel lock in my Nike's. Not that I actually feel a difference, but it is actually easier to unlace becasue you never have to undo an eyelit because I never lace the top one anyways.

Great find!

if running cross country taught me anything, it was that page on new balance :lol:

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the lacing on the new balance page for the Toe Problems is the one i've used..

that method is probably the tightest way i've ever done it and also the easiest way to get into and to get out of.

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I wonder if Modo has a pain on the tops of his feet. According to the NB site, if u have pressure, lace around it, leaving gaps, or loose fit on that area. If u look at Modo's skates, you can always clearly see he has a loose fit towords the bottom part of his skates. Interesting, great find!

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Actually, scrap that. His lace is loose towards the middle area. But in looking for a pic on Getty, I found one with him and Kris Draper. In the pic, you can see Drapes has a similar lacing system, where he creates one strange gap towards the middle.

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hit "lacing for a better fit" when the thing loads.

I use the heel lock in my Nike's. Not that I actually feel a difference, but it is actually easier to unlace becasue you never have to undo an eyelit because I never lace the top one anyways.

When doing a "heel lock", I'm a little lost on their diagraham. When you come to the top, do you thread the ends underneath the lace in the top two eyelets? Or is it saying here is where you tie them off? I'm going to try it but wanted to make sure I was doing it right.

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