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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Does gauze tape leave a residue on gloves?

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I see a lot of pros use guaze. Is there a non-tacky version too? It's that or the tackymac. I am tired of the tape rolling over and getting crap all over my gloves.

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Nope. I used to have a ton of the pro blue tape - it stains your gloves blue and it is abrasive, moreso than tape.

Tacki-Mac might be your option. Hey, it works for Gretzky!

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Is that stuff the smae as what lax players use?. I use the renfrew stuff and it's great the tape is the same color as the palm of my glove but from what I can tell there is no tacky residue on my palms.

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I see a lot of pros use guaze. Is there a non-tacky version too? It's that or the tackymac. I am tired of the tape rolling over and getting crap all over my gloves.

The andover powerflex isn't as bad as the stuff I've used in the past. It isn't too tacky and it isn't too abrasive.

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i used powerflex for a month and the way i hold my stick ,it started to cut up the leather palms on my old eagles

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