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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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really random request about woodies

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this is a pretty weird request, but i'm a pretty weird guy, so bear with me. wood sticks are kind of a hobby of mine, and i've recently gotten pretty interested in the way they're made. i'm wondering if any of you have copies of catalogs from a few years ago. i'd like to see what advances, if any, have been made since aluminum and composite became common. the catalogs we have here go back to about 2003, so anything before that would be great. i'd also like any companies that aren't really around anymore (e.g., branches, christian), and koho (my favorite woody) if you can. if you've got scans, shoot me an email at kevinbelt@yahoo.com, or pm for my mailing address if you don't. thanks for the help, and sorry for being so random.


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I have a catalogue from Ocean Hockey circa 1999. I had more from even earlier but I stupidly threw them out :angry:

I don't own a scanner myself but can try to get over to friend's house.

As for advances, the only thing I noticed (personally) is that Koho came out w/ a very very expensive stick (for woods anyhow) called the K-Core I think. The middle of the shaft was filled w/ foam making the stick extremely light.

Now, I've never seen or held one in person but I've read on this board that they were very nice sticks.

I believe one of our older members, spoke about them. Was it Ponty?

Anyhow, that might've been the next innovation had composites not burst onto the scene.

Sidenote: Today's hybrid sticks (if you want to consider them "wood" sticks) are another innovation. Full and partial composite blades fused to wood shafts. Again, some people love them. I've never used one.

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