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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone have one and/or could tell me any info on it??? Also I cant find hoe much it is, so if somwone could tell me the price and how you like I would really like it!!!


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Retails here for $299.99CDN + Tax or $349.99CDN + Tax if you get the bundle with a $50 game. I don't see the purpose of buying the bundle.

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I didn't want to start a new topic but i have a psp and i can't figure out how to put videos and stuff on it.( i have the usb cable)

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iv been on 1 theyre well good the speakers are tiny but well load. the graphics are great but not as good as the ps2 but what do you expected from a small console, even thoght piece of equipment is small the graphics are fantastic for what it is. i would get one but i ain't got no money at the moment lol :(

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I didn't want to start a new topic but i have a psp and i can't figure out how to put videos and stuff on it.( i have the usb cable)

1. put your psp in usb mode under the settings menu

2. connect your psp to your computer through your usb cable

3. it will either recognize it in my computer or on your desktop

4. click on the icon

5. make a new folder entitled "music"

6. drag and drop a song from itunes or whatever your mp3 program maybe

7. your psp will show a little bar under "USB MODE" on its screen

8. remove your psp from the usb cable and your songs will be under music

--- I have tried this with the video but it doesnt work for some odd reason

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i got a mate who's got one and he says it needs to be in a certain .mp3 or .something is this true? if so what is it? plz

no i dont think it is........ ive tried alot of mp3 files on it and they all work

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download PSP video 9... it converts movies into the MPEG4 format to work on your PSP and also creates a folder so you can do it... super easy to learn on www.pspvideo9.com... ask if you need more help

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Retails here for $299.99CDN + Tax or $349.99CDN + Tax if you get the bundle with a $50 game. I don't see the purpose of buying the bundle.

Well...wouldnt you end up buying a game anyways?

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My buddy picked up one up at Game Stop, that place they have in malls for $200 with 2 games. It was "used" but it was still in the box brand new, the guy who sold it to them never opened it.

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wow that is really cheap!! thats a $150 off! if i could find it that cheap, I might consider buying it, $250 is way to much, plus $40-50 a game!

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