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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hey, I did a search and I couldnt come up with anything so i was just wondering bout the ccm/rbk flex. Is the 40kp flex a 85 on the easton scale? or is it more of a 90, or 95?

Thanx for any help.

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So, for those of you who have a 100 flex stick and a 40kp stick, can you tell a big diffrence in the flex. Like, does t he 40kp seem really whippy compared to the 100 flex?


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40kp is comparable to TPS regular flex...so I would guess about a 95? It´s a little whippier than a Synergy 100.....or if you want to you could say it fells like an Easton 100 on a Stealth....at least that´s what my V110 was like.

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One of the CCM guys was on here a couple of weeks ago and reckoned that the CCM 40 was about an Easton 100 - he said there wasn't an exact multpier from one to the other but the conversions he listed were pretty much CCM x 2.5 = Easton flex.

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Here are the flexes for our RBK and CCM sticks.

As you can see there is no exact formula for the conversion.

50KP/X-stiff = roughly 125 pro flex

45KP/Stiff = roughly 110

40KP/Regular = roughly 100

35KP/Mid = roughly 85

30KP/Light = even softer flex

20KP/Junior = junior flex

(KP is the force required in newtons per meter squared to bend the shaft 1". The higher the number the more force required to bend the stick.)

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