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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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can you ship easton equipment to the uk?

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can you ship easton equipment to the uk?

i got told that they could ship easton sticks over to the UK and i wasn't sure.

They can ship sticks but because of their length, the odds are the shipping could be half as much as the stick itself.

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yea, even in the US, shipping on sticks is really high because of the sticks odd lenght. they would probably charge at least 50 to ship from the us to the uk.give or take a few

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oh, i thought he meant, he wanted someone to buy a stick and ship to him, then he could pay. but like you said chadd, most shops wont ship internationally.

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Shops are not permitted to ship most hockey products across national borders.

Do you know why or is it just the manufacturers rules?

Each country has different rules regarding imports and varying taxes that must be paid on items. It really isn't fair for a dealer in Canada if I have to pay far less for my equipment and ship stuff there for less than they can buy the same item. It's simply a matter of protecting dealers in each country.

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i was told the they can ship all products, except easton, because its manufacturers policy, they make a lot form selling £180 pound sticks for the slaves to fashion. I dont blaime them though, im sure i would do the same

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the_player why dont you use ebay.com ?

most sellers ship worldwide (if you ask them via email)

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