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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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List of curves

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i want to create a list with all popular patterns.

Im tired of getting asked from friends which pattern is close to theirs.



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hey i wont compare every single curve..

if you know some empty cells, just post em here and i will fill them in

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Should be pretty well updated

I always have some people disagree when I say the Morrow is a Drury, ad the Tucker is a Lidstrom, but either way you're close. I threw in the P71 into the Yzerman category (you could consider throwing the Inno McCarty too). It's pretty well all filled in for you now.

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Maybe a bit offtopic ...

I got some older nike wood blades for cheap and they are a "st. paul" curve.

The blades itself are not that good but the curve is realy great!

I would say its a small mid (maybe heel-mid) curve with a slightly open face.

what would you think is that in other brnds curves?

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I loved those St Paul blades with the red Kevlar along the bottom. I don't remember exactly how it looked though, If anyone can compare it to something they still make that would be awesome

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