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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL Teams Staff Up (Admin.)

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The Vancouver Canucks have posted several administrative positions. Presumably the ones they laid off, so who knows how many will reapply for their old jobs...anyway...I wonder if Trevor Linden gave them the inside scoop that there will be a season ;-)

All good signs in my books!



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They are probably legally supposed to open all of the jobs they laid off for fairness but I couldn't see somebody who got laid off not getting their job back.

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A number of teams, and the NHL office in NY, used the lockout as an excuse to cut a lot of dead wood. The ones who haven't found other jobs and they would like to retain will likely get first crack at the jobs.

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A number of teams, and the NHL office in NY, used the lockout as an excuse to cut a lot of dead wood. The ones who haven't found other jobs and they would like to retain will likely get first crack at the jobs.

Yes, that sounded like a good idea to get rid of the dead woods. It would be a shame to see somebody not get their job back when they actually were good employees.

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