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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New stick for my 12yr old

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Long time reader first time poster needs advice. My 12 year old is on need of a new stick before the end of summer. My LHS guy told me he should be looking for an intermediate stick because of his size. Now my son is tall (5'4") for his age but pretty lanky (106 lbs). He doesn't get much flex now, I can't imagine there would be any at an intermediate level stick.

Any suggestions?



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It depends on how much you want to spend and what kind of player your kid is. If your looking for a wood, shaft or ops. He probably would want between a 50-65 flex.

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Long time reader first time poster needs advice. My 12 year old is on need of a new stick before the end of summer. My LHS guy told me he should be looking for an intermediate stick because of his size. Now my son is tall (5'4") for his age but pretty lanky (106 lbs). He doesn't get much flex now, I can't imagine there would be any at an intermediate level stick.

Any suggestions?



What level is he playing at/how are his hands? What is he using right now?

btw, the new 65 Easton's aren't true 65, a true 65 would be something like a Int. R2XN10, RLXN10, Int. Genesis, etc.

PS, he's not too skinny. There's kids in my league (Bantam AAA) who are that size, ;) .

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hes not small at all....i was about that weight at 5'4"....if he keeps his legs set hell be fine....i remember using a 75flex yellow intermediate synergy at that age/weight.

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either an int.response or int.synergy will be fine,int.vapors and int.vectors are a little stiffer than those

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Based on some of the other posts, it seems manufacturers have different opinions on what an intermediate is. Our G3 is a junior with a 45-flex, whereas our G2 is an intermediate with a 75-flex.

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I'm 5-4, 118 lbs, I use a 75 flex M-1 shaft with a Jr. Synthesis blade, and a Int. Mission L-2, and I love them both...the Mission 75 flex seems perfect for me, but it is just PP, but I don't think I may ever get a different brand (besides maybe an SL Grip, those are reallllllly nice)...

Props to Justin and Mission for making amazing sticks

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A junior shaft probably won't hold up to the abuse if he's playing at a competitive level.

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A junior shaft probably won't hold up to the abuse if he's playing at a competitive level.

Definatly not. I used a junior z-bubble playing Midget Major A and it lasted almost a period before breaking during a check.

EDIT:Forgot hes only 12, but still if hes looking at playing Bantam AA or AAA next year I really doubt a junior would last to long.

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I suggest a shaft because i remeber when i was younger i used to go through alot of blades....i used a Z-Bubble grip for more then 3 years. Great shaft and pretty light too...i still hav it except i had a accident with it when i over heated it over the stove and where the blade was just folded like a peice of paper while i was trying to pull it out...wierd

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I suggest a shaft because i remeber when i was younger i used to go through alot of blades....i used a Z-Bubble grip for more then 3 years. Great shaft and pretty light too...i still hav it except i had a accident with it when i over heated it over the stove and where the blade was just folded like a peice of paper while i was trying to pull it out...wierd

and at epuck i believe that the z-bubble grips are only 69.99

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I used an Int. Response+ when I was 5'4 115 and it held up very nicely. I highly reccomened one of those if it's in the bank.

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