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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XX Stick

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hey guys, i have once removed the blade of a Vapor XX OPS, but i dont remember where the fuse point was. i searched but didnt see anything conclusive. Short story long: i scored a vapor XX from the admirals with no blade, it is LH and was cut in the taper. there is no definite paint flaw where the fuse point would be, but if anyone has removed the blade, could you kindly tell me whereabouts it is. id like to remove the blade and/or cut it as close to there as possible.

the fore hand side reads like this:




########0.470###| <--- cut there



my apologies if this is posted somewhere, thanks for any help

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I believe the fuse point on mine goes right through the 7 and the 0. And that's on the side where the 0.470 is closer to the blade.

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Not sure if the TFG/XX have a foam core inside the shaft. If they don't you could just take out the endplug (I guess it's just plastic on the XX), use a thin wooden or metal bar that is smaller than the inner shaft. By putting the bar into the shaft you will be able to "feel" the top of the tenon. when you can't put the bar in any further (=fusepoint reached), make a mark on the bar, pull it out, put it next to the shaft with the mark alining with the end of the shaft and you can see where the tenon has it's exact end from the outside.

Maybe I made it sound difficult, but it's really easy if there is no foam in the shaft.

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On the XX's I've had, if you look at the top and bottom of the stick, you should be able to see at least where it's close to. The weave turns black where they fused it.

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I believe the fuse point on mine goes right through the 7 and the 0. And that's on the side where the 0.470 is closer to the blade.

Mine is between the 4 and the 7. If you just cut on the 7, it should be fine.

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