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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone Used This Blade?

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I stopped by the LHS today and noticed they had these blade on closeout for 4 bucks a blade. http://www.epuck.com/webapp/wcs/stores/ser...ategory_rn=1803

Last time I took advantage of something like this, it was with these TPS blades, one broke on the first snap shot I took with a ball in my driveway, and the second broke a week later. So I wanted to get some feedback on these Koho blades. To put it simply, Are they crap?

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i had one there a ok blade. My problem was the side outer lair came of in the heat of a out side rink but i just ripped it of and it still worked. I think its worth 4 bucks for sure.

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I think it only comes in one curve, does anyone know what the lie is?

compare with a blade you know the lie in your LHS and it will give you a good impression of what is the lie.

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I want to say it's a 6...

I've got a couple left at home for outdoor use.

I can compare it for you when i get back home, only I won't be there for another 8 hours or so.

I agree with JR though... My experience has seen the hosel snap on a decennt slapshot with a roller puck

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