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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New roller pants

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With summer roller hockey coming up, I pulled out my old roller hockey pants (Mission D4s) and they just are not going to cut it anymore. Last time I bought pants, which was quite a few seasons ago, I just bought them at my LHS because they were cheap. I really don't even know what to look for when buying a roller pant. So its time to get new ones! Im looking for a fairly decent pant, that won't rip as easily as my D4s. Any Suggestions? (preferably under 100 bucks)

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I really like Gear pants. They're generally durable and they're usually fairly inexpensive. I've got five pairs of pants, and my two pairs of Gear pants are by far my favorites. HockeyGiant has a special going on one style for $19.99. You get a free water bottle with purchase, but I can tell you from experience that it will break fairly quickly. I can't give a full recommendation on the pants, though, because unfortunately that particular style is not one I've owned.

Gear Big Daddy

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i love my eagle roller pants... LOVE LOVE LOVE! i think its the most breathable pant out there... that i've worn so far... and its waterproof :D for all the times you piss your pants ;)

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I grabbed about 8 pairs of cheap (under $20) Hystyk pants which everyone seems to be happy with. No rips, a little see through, but not much else to complain about. Very breathable.

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I'm currently using those Gear Big Daddy's, and I think they work just fine. Very light and breathable. They aren't anything fancy, but they do the trick for me. The free water bottle is useless...I think it is thinner than a plastic grocery bag.

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Ive got a pair of mission Apex pants that I've been using for the past year, I love em, but they are starting to show signs of wear, I figure I've got another month out of em and then I will be in the same boat as you...looking for a pair of roller hockey pants.. I like the mission HE950's they look tight and they have a crapload of features that most other pants dont, I also like the hyper platinums. IDK thats just my 2 cents...

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Wait till you all see the new 2006 Hyper Pant line. Truthfully, nothing like you've ever seen before. What hasn't been done in roller hockey pants? You'd be surprised to know what's in the works at Hyper. Hyper has a new "concept" that will raise the level of pant designs by leaps and bounds!!! When Shayne and Benny are ready to give everyone a sneak peak, they will. If everything goes as planned, they should be hitting the stores this fall........ That's all I can tell you, Stay tuned!!!

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i love my eagle roller pants... LOVE LOVE LOVE! i think its the most breathable pant out there... that i've worn so far... and its waterproof :D for all the times you piss your pants ;)

I diddn't know Eagle made roller pants, where did you get yours?

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yea..i have eagle pants too. They are the best pants ever. I've had them for two years+ now and still not a hole at all. They are a bit on the heavy side but with all the features they have it adds up. Last time i heard though they had stopped making these pants.

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Maybe a bit off-topic, but here in Holland we don't have many indoor facilities (around 4 out of 20 I think). Most people do play with long pants, but it doesn't matter much what quality they are because once you fall you will have a big hole in your pants.

Do all American players play with long pants? Can players wear short pants with socks (ice style)? Also for example in Germany teams are getting long pants, make them short (cut them above the knee) and wear socks with them. Looks pretty old school... any teams in the US who do this?


Tim (The Dutchman)

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i love my eagle roller pants... LOVE LOVE LOVE!  i think its the most breathable pant out there... that i've worn so far... and its waterproof :D for all the times you piss your pants  ;)

I diddn't know Eagle made roller pants, where did you get yours?

i looked everywhere online and cudnt find them

are they custom order only?

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My LHS did a team order for some team, and that team never picked it up, so i got those eagle pants for really cheap and it was the last couple of pairs that they had at the store.

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Local Hockey Store

Ah. Wish I had one of those. The closest I come is Dick's, and they don't offer much hockey stuff in this area.

me 2, my local sports store is dicks and thats 20-25 minutes away, so i stick to the internet. basically no one in an hour radius has hockey stuff around me

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i have an extra set of nexed pants... they were my team pants, they were pretty breathable, a little heavier than the eagle pants i have now... you just gotta take off all the nexed signs and stuff that is stiched on...

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Thanks for all the input guys. I was planning on getting those Gear pants, and when I told that to my buddy, He threw a pair of brand new He550s my way. Turns out He got the He950s for his birthday and had no need for the 550s anymore. Anything that saves me money. :)

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what about nexed pants? i heard they are breatheable.

I've got a pair of those, too. I like them well enough. I picked them up when HockeyGiant was practically giving them away one weekend. They SEEM a little more cheaply made than the Gear pants, but they've held up fine. I don't wear them that much because they're white and I hate white pants.

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If you want to spend $100 go with the Mission 950's i have them, and i LOVE them i play indoor inline all year round nad they hold up really well. They also have an allenkey pocket so your always prepared. But if you dont want to spend that much go with the 750's or the eagles.


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