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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I still hate Graf Servive but

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ive never dealt with graf customer service but ive dealt with a graf representitive who works at my lhs and it was great ,he tried alot of different stuff to get my feet into the 735s but nothing worked ,even if ,he tried alot of diffferent stuff ,all for free and he even came in on a day he wasnt working. But i ended up with bauers anyways:P

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If you're in EE Vapors and 735 you're feet may be wide, but not "super wide"

what would you cinsider super wide then? a EEEE??? they dont sell any wider then ee, some only make ee, so how would that not be super wide? i have wide feet also and i agree it is hard to find skates that fit width wise, i wish they made EEE, theyd be awsome.

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If you're in EE Vapors and 735 you're feet may be wide, but not "super wide"

It's very hard for me to find skates that fit due to my feets size/shape. I wear size 6.5 shoes and EE Vapors were too tight, and I had to punch out 735's until they were perfect. I know you shouldn't be punching out skates, that means that they don't fit perfect, but when I did it was like candy on my feet. Super wide might be pushin it, but they are definetely wide.

theres nothing wrong with punching out skates. it gives a more customized fit to your foot

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If you're in EE Vapors and 735 you're feet may be wide, but not "super wide"

what would you cinsider super wide then? a EEEE??? they dont sell any wider then ee, some only make ee, so how would that not be super wide? i have wide feet also and i agree it is hard to find skates that fit width wise, i wish they made EEE, theyd be awsome.

Vapors are probably the narrowest skate on the market. A EE in a Vapor is around a D in CCM, the 8090s, etc..

If you have trouble finding wide skates look to different models, or look into Customs. Graf 705, 709, CCM Tacks, 8090s should offer a wider fit than any Vapors. You can get that area punched out like Sherwood did.

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I Have had my Graf 609's for 3 years now and I could not be happier with them. Hopefully i can pick up some Graf G9's or 709's some time in the near future. Maybe I will do 709 Black Widow's.

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I like the black Widow skates, and tweaked my 609s to look a little like them, but that Black Cobra is just awful looking, and thats a large reason I didn't go for the Black Widow skates.

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taxes and everything? Less than a top of the line Bauer or Easton skate... how about that? PM me if you want an exact figure.

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