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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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t blades to regular holders

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i might be getting some vapour xxx's today because the 735's i have really hurt my feet. the 735s have t blades and the vapours have lightspeed 2's which we all know are regular holders. is it gonna be a tough transition going from t blades to a regular holder? i heard regular steel wont feal as sharp as t blades and ill be getting my skates sharpened alot.

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i might be getting some vapour xxx's today because the 735's i have really hurt my feet. the 735s have t blades and the vapours have lightspeed 2's which we all know are regular holders. is it gonna be a tough transition going from t blades to a regular holder? i heard regular steel wont feal as sharp as t blades and ill be getting my skates sharpened alot.

The transition will be very easy.

If you have a good sharpener, the LS2's will feel fine, and no you won't be sharpening them more than it would cost you to replace t-blades.

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It will feel orgasmic. The switch back feels so great. Your gonna love having so much more power in your stride again.

Do you mean that the holders of the t-blades aren't as stiff as regualr blade holders so making you loose less power effitiant?

Because just to let you know new t-blades are coming out and they are supposed to be much stiffer(i heard) so allowing less flex in the holder so they will(i think)give you more power/speed out of your stride

i'm hopefully getting them but i have 8090's and i just love the conveiniance of changing blades and the perfect sharpeness and my LHS sharpens like a blind mouse in a straight jacket! :P

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It will feel orgasmic. The switch back feels so great. Your gonna love having so much more power in your stride again.

Do you mean that the holders of the t-blades aren't as stiff as regualr blade holders so making you loose less power effitiant?

Because just to let you know new t-blades are coming out and they are supposed to be much stiffer(i heard) so allowing less flex in the holder so they will(i think)give you more power/speed out of your stride

i'm hopefully getting them but i have 8090's and i just love the conveiniance of changing blades and the perfect sharpeness and my LHS sharpens like a blind mouse in a straight jacket! :P

i wasnt asking about the new t blades ,i could care less about them because they killed my turning

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At school I always switch skates around. I thought it was hard going back to the normal holders. I had a really hard time stopping and it was even harder turning. The ones I tried were Lightspeed's BTW.

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hey i'm in the same boat as you...i'm using t'blades for 2 year now...and i switch back to demo the flexlite

i wasnt able to get used to the ligthspeed after 4-6 hours...isnt really the steel the problem...is the holder...i think my MAJOR PROBLEM IS THE PITCH....but because of this pitch different it will make you skate bad(if you was confortable with t'blades pitch before...)

skating forward is O.K...but backward is a B!"/$

so it make think...if i should give nike a try and put t'blades or stick with my pro tack and t'blades...any idea guys?

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hey thanks gys

i had my first skate with the xxx's and it was great. it took a little while to get used to the pitch however .my crossovers felt way better ,turning felt alot better ,i skated a HELL of alot faster forwards but backwards was a bit weird. the stiffness is still a bit to get used to but ill try to loosen the ankles a bit and ill get some more forward flex ,even if ,im sure in a few skates it should be ok. overall i love the skates even if they will take a little while to get used to. Best of all i have no more foot pain :) i had horrible foot pain with my 735s and with these i just had a little pain in the front of my ankle area because of the stiffness.

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