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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Blemish Skates

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Hey, this is my first post. Right now i have vapor XX skates, and i need new skates and want the XXX's. I am thinking about getting the blemishes, since they are one hundred dollars cheaper than the reg. XXX. But, what exactly is blemish, like is it bad for the skate, and totally the wrong thing to do, or is it just something very minor, and wouldnt change the performance.

Any help would be great.

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usually blemished skates dont have anything wrong with them. maybe a missed stitch here and there, or a mark across the boot somewhere, but then again you never know with blemishes, because there really isnt any guarentee, or anything if you buy them, and something goes wrong.

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Where can you get blemish stuff ? My guess is ebay but i would love to see a store which sells a lot of blemish equipment.

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i thought blemishes were only visual, they will usually state this, if they do not check up, dont want to be buying faulty skates

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Hockeymonkey.com has some THG Vapors w/ blems for $169 and they "in no way affect the performance of the skate"

From what I was told, the THG Vapors are a rebranded Vapor XV. I think you can find them for less around the web (or at your LHS).

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usually blemished skates dont have anything wrong with them. maybe a missed stitch here and there, or a mark across the boot somewhere, but then again you never know with blemishes, because there really isnt any guarentee, or anything if you buy them, and something goes wrong.

Usually is the key. I've seen blemished with mismounted holders, bent blades. As long as there is a return policy, they can be a good deal. Check them out well.

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Is there any way to get seconds (color probs or crooked joint/seam) or minor damaged stuff from companies for less money?

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i just called there and they said they have none as of yet. anyone else here of any of these around? i'd love to get a pair at a discounted rate (the wife wont let me shell out $450.00 for a pair of skates)

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Hockeymonkey.com has some THG Vapors w/ blems for $169 and they "in no way affect the performance of the skate"

From what I was told, the THG Vapors are a rebranded Vapor XV. I think you can find them for less around the web (or at your LHS).

they are basically XVs with perf. steel. It's the model in betwen the XV and XX.

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