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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need for speed

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I've just returned from a weekend tournament and found that the acceleration and speed that I used to have has gone (or everybody else just got faster). I'm no spring chicken (30 yrs old and been playing 18 yrs), but I'm pissed at no longer being fast. Any useful suggestions guys?

I currently train (hockey only) twice a week, take on enough liquids before /during / after games and eat all the right stuff - so I suppose I'm looking for training or technique information.

Thanks in advance.

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I guess you're just getting to the stage in your life where you have two choices. Keep going at the same pace and get old and fat. Up the levels abit and regain what you once had. I have seen plenty of rec players here in Aus able to cut the cheese in their 40's because they goto the gym twice a week and eat well. Its not a hard thing to do and assuming you have the motivation, you should be able to play as high up as you want for many yrs to come.

Look at Chris Chelios as a main example of inspiration. Also check out the personal trainers at your local Gym and get them to go over eating and excercise regimes targetted at Hockey specific fitness.

Don't be afraid of the hard work, its worth the rewards at the end of it all.

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I guess the main thing you need to do is focus on conditioning your legs. Im 23 and although I have not gone through what you are going through, I can at least offer some tips on general conditioning. Hit up the cardio at the gym (treadmill, elyptical, or whatever your poison is) for at least 45 minutes twice to three times a week. You will notice you have more gas towards the end of the game. Another good thing is workout JUST LEGS at least once a week. 5 Sets of squats, 4 sets of leg extentions, 5 sets of calf raises, and 3 sets of hamstring curls. Focus on light weight, High reps, and go VERY SLOW, you realy want to feel it burn to the point you want to puke. Lastly another good idea is to do sit-ups, crunches, and stuff like that, people under estimate the importance of the "core"...I guarantee if you do this every week you will begin to realy notice it in your performance after about a month or so. But thats just my 2 cents.

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sharks 34 how tall are you? and how much do you weigh ?im 40 years old and play againts kids half my age and have no problem keeping up with them,tournament players i can hang with but some of these kids are just un- believable. one thing i did was loose some body fat,iwent from 213lbs to 182lbs and started lifting for endurance and stregnth,the exercise bike really helps as does power skateing.i started skateing at 8yrs old on ice,and inline for about 10 yrs,i love the inline game ,more passing and the 4on4 is wide open,it really helped my ice game,getting older sucks for guys like us,but one good thing is your still playing .all i can say is have fun ,play hard, play smarter ,stay loose,injuries happen more often as you get older, stretch real good,good luck,

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I'm 6 ft 2 and 168 lbs - so there is no excess on me. I also play strict defence with my only attacking play being occasionally to pinch in a take a one timer.

One thing that has occurred to me is that the rink we played on for the tournament was about a thrid longer and about a half wider than the regular rink that I play league at. By providing more space it definately put more onus on skating and using the space smarter - taking away (or making it more difficult) to play my natural style of physical play and short quick release passes as everybody was spread out a lot more.

I can however take comfort in the fact that my check never scored and all shots were kept to the back-hand / outside.

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as i got older the younger kids started coming up playing tournament also ,these kids were quick, ill tell ya you cant hold back time, at sometime age catches up to you.stay in shape the best you can, have fun ,thank god for me they also have 28 and over and 35 and over tournaments,good luck.

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