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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pro Curve

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Looks like a YP (Yzerman Pro), with more curve at the toe. The Johnsson is a YP just for reference. It's too closed to be a Drury clone. On the retail market the closest you'll get to it is either a Modano woodie, and curve it, or a Sakic and decurve it.

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Looks like a YP (Yzerman Pro), with more curve at the toe. The Johnsson is a YP just for reference. It's too closed to be a Drury clone. On the retail market the closest you'll get to it is either a Modano woodie, and curve it, or a Sakic and decurve it.

Johnsson's not a YP or a Drury retail.

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Eh, that's close in a sense but generally his are pretty much flat except for some curve at the heel so you can get loft on it. Then again, there are probably 1,000 YPs out there that have different curves on them.

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does anyone have a peter shaffer curve picture? i cant speel his last name best guess for me

they had Schaefer Eclipse prostocks at my local Sportchek, his curve is pretty wierd, it's like a heel curve with a messed up twisted face in the mid-toe area..

itt's really so messed up I can't describe it

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no i went back on Saturday I think, they're either all sold out or they put them in the back and replaced it with the $129 Si-Cores, $89 Apollos, Youth 5k's and Easton The Ones

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