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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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full shield or half?

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This one may sound funny to the beer league goons, or even some younger folks, but when you know your fellow players are a little vulnerable, you're more careful with your stick and shots. You know, "do on to others as you'd want done to you."

This is my main reason. As weird as it sounds, its almost like progression for me. For refrence I am a 20 year old playing in a 21U with extremely mixed skill level roller league right now and will be playing in a Mens league (probably B or A) in the fall both with a half visor on. Just coming out of minor hockey it seems almost like natural progress, as you get older, the stakes drop and its more about fun than intensity. Thus your willing to take a little bit more of a risk without it on, but it almost symbolizes your showing faith in the people around you to take a fun first approach and not purposely do something stupid, which I have seen happen when guys with full cages get "intense". I may throw up a poll (thought there was already one) on what people wear.

I need to go grab a better mouth guard, I haven't worn one all year for roller. I'm just a screamer, constantly letting people know the situation and its so hard with a mouth guard in.

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I totally agree with you Eazy B. As for a mouth guard, obviously one custom fit by a dentist works best for speaking. If you have any kind of dental plan check to see if it's covered, as mentioned earlier, I found a loop hole in my plan as I'm covered if the mouth guard is good for those who grind their teeth at night.


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All of you who think that a mouthguard will keep your teeth intact are fooling yourselfs. Just think about it. How would a tiny layer of very flexible rubber protect your teeth from being destroyed by a heavy puck flying at you at 80+ miles per hour or a heavy hockey stick whacking you in the mouth? Mouth guards are to protect against you biting your tongue and hitting your teeth together too hard when you're hit, but they will not save your teeth from being knocked out. Only a full sheild/cage will do that.

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You can't play in a bubble there will always be risks. Mouthguards are for concussions, primarily, but most companies offer some form of dental insurance.

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Just wandering, what college league is this where you can wear a halfy? And also, have you ever worn a half visor in an actual game before because if you wear one for the fist time you may be more hesitent and all that if your not used to it. But on the other hand if you have no problem wearing it then I see no reason why you shouldn't....but either way, a mouthguard she always be a must.

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You might have heard of this new fangled invention called a "mouthpiece".  Well, they do a wonderful job of protecting chicklets.  As I said before, I've worn visors for the last 13 years and although I've had the odd stick to the chops, I have yet to lose a single tooth.

Look in the mirror next time you wear your "mouthpiece". You are going to be shocked to find out that your lower teeth are not protected. But then again, who needs them anyway. There is an invisible force field protecting them anyways.

Hey, what ever makes you happy is fine with me.

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I don't know if it has been said, but it depends with who you are playing with, if you play with some bantam-midget who still wear the cage, it may be dangerous, if youy play with guys who have all or so half visor, that's the way to go.

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