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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tough loss

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My roller hockey team suffered a real tough loss the other night. The league is a little unorganized, and I knew that going into the season. For example, there is no visable time clock and no end-of-period horn. So, is isn't uncommon for players to ask the score keepers how much time is left. Well, Tuesday night, we were tied 3-3 towards the end of the 3rd, and we had a really short bench. The score keeper yells out "1 minute remaining" and the puck is in our zone. To make a long story short, someone next to the score keeper yells "Time?" and 9 out of 10 players on the court stop playing, thinking that the period has ended. That 10th skater, who happened to be on the oppossing team, shoots the puck past our unsuspecting goalie. Now, I know that you're never supposed to stop playing untill you hear the whistle...but we played the 1st period without any subs and were extremely exhausted. So when we heard "Time" from the score keeper area, we stopped! Well, since the "goal" occurred with 15 seconds left and the ref never blew the whistle, we learned that play-till-the-whistle lesson the hard way!

The ref and score keepers discussed the series of events for a couple minutes and the ref completely understood what happened, but in the end, the goal counted and I was furious. I tried telling the scorekeepers that yelling "Time" next to the scorekeeper bench is like yelling "bomb" on an airplane.

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A while back, I was playin some outdoor roller, last game of the season. Since it was the finals, the refs felt like they didn't have to call penalties. :blink: :o

I got a breakaway, was tripped, and the guy who tripped me scored the game winning goal. Needless to say, I was not a happy camper.


Oh well, can't change the past, right?

Edit: 100th post!

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On the topic of tough losses...my team lost by 1 in shootouts during playoffs 3 days ago.We were up 8-6 with 1:23 left and they scored 2!We were furious..so it went to OT and nothing was settled then we went to shootouts.There were 4 shooters for each team and I was third up..our first shot hit the post,second scored,I deked and scored and fourth also hit the post!!They won by one shot and knocked us out...

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A scorekeeper in my rec ice league told me a great story about a shootout.

During playoffs, we have OT's and shootouts. Well, one team was tied after four shooters on one team and five on the other. In other words, if the next player scored, his team would win the game and advance. The player put a deke on that the goalie over-committed to way out of the net. All the player had to do was push the puck into the net to win. Instead, he wanted to look cool and roofed the puck. OVER THE NET! Next round of shooters, his team lost.

Now, I know a rec league doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things, but I think I'd be pretty bummed at my teammate for trying to look pretty.

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Reminds me of a tournament game I saw where a team was down by one and pulled their goalie. A guy on the other team had a clean break in on the open net and tried to shine it up by roofing it. He clanged it off the crossbar and what could have been an insurance goal went by the wayside. The other team tied it up shortly after and a sure win became a tie and cost the team a shot at playing on Sunday.

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Reminds me of a tournament game I saw where a team was down by one and pulled their goalie.  A guy on the other team had a clean break in on the open net and tried to shine it up by roofing it.  He clanged it off the crossbar and what could have been an insurance goal went by the wayside.  The other team tied it up shortly after and a sure win became a tie and cost the team a shot at playing on Sunday.

sounds a whole lot like one of are games last season

the only thing to do about thoose games is forget about them and move on to your next game

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In peewee, at the provincials, we were down 4-3 in the semi's to a team we never beat all season, 1:40 to go, the most hated player on the other team crashes the net and our goalie covers it. This team was pretty much unbeatable, and this was the closest we ever were after meeting them in tourneys and throughout the season...... Anyways, the kids laying there, and he's made me so mad all game and I finally see my chance. I take my stick and jab him a few times when I think the refs not looking, but he was, throws me in the box, I cost my team the game. I was the top scorer too so my team was relying on me. Still makes me mad when I think about it.

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I don't see why all you get so worked up about this stuff. You gotta work hard the whole game. A stupid play is always a stupid play, but in my book, a win is a win, and I love to win.

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