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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates - how much do they expand after break-in?

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I'm looking at a pair of Vapor XX skates. How much will they grow, length-wise, after baking and breaking them in?

Also, if I wanted to get the stretched out a bit, how far can I stretch them? I'm thinking maybe a quarter size is all I need.

Thanks guys.

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I don't think there is one molecule of leather left in skates today. They do not stretch on their own. Heat Formable skates do break in a little, and you can always reheat them for a better fit later. I really good shop can stretch a vapor XXX by one full length size, by using a big stretching machine.

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I would say its okay to buy skates which are a bit too small because they expand during the breaking-in process...

Correct me if that isnt good.

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I would say its okay to buy skates which are a bit too small because they expand during the breaking-in process...

Correct me if that isnt good.

That's the way to go. All skates will expand a little when breaking in--the foams will contour to your foot and will compress some, and the materials will stretch a little bit. There isn't the same pliability with today's boots (except Graf) as most are made of plastics, nylon, etc., not leather or leather-like materials. If a boot is slightly tight when you first try it on, good chance it's going to fit correctly once broken in.

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Grafs are not leather, they're Clarino. Clarino is a manmade material, but it does have some leather-like properties (like the stretchability).

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Grafs are not leather, they're Clarino. Clarino is a manmade material, but it does have some leather-like properties (like the stretchability).

My Grafs never stopped breaking in.

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i think most skates will stretch to an extent, apart fromt he synegys, carbon shell, dont thisnk thats budgings

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