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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom Skates

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I tried doing all black XXX's, (no fade) or getting Naslund's Vapor/v12 when I ordered my customs. Needless to say the rep wouldn't budge.

The manager of my lhs who is awesome with me called for some Kovalev CCM and he(LHS manager) thought they would do it(I was so excited), but they don't.

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I tried doing all black XXX's, (no fade) or getting Naslund's Vapor/v12 when I ordered my customs. Needless to say the rep wouldn't budge.

The manager of my lhs who is awesome with me called for some Kovalev CCM and he(LHS manager) thought they would do it(I was so excited), but they don't.

did he call ccm or did he call his rep because im sure if he called his rep, his rep could do something

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Works at one. I think I was in there for about 30 minutes, but I also knew everything I wanted. I still wish I could've had a custom sheet available, I knew certain things I wanted, but the sheet could've given a bit more insight.

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Works at one. I think I was in there for about 30 minutes, but I also knew everything I wanted. I still wish I could've had a custom sheet available, I knew certain things I wanted, but the sheet could've given a bit more insight.

yeah unfortunately bud graf doesnt have a custom sheet i wish i coulda had a sheet but they dont make one

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Any companies with a custom sheet for skates?

none at all there all pretty much based on the stock model. its not like a catcher or a blocker or a glove

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About the shin pads: I bought some Easton Airs 2nd-hand and was able to shorten them by chopping off some plastic and cutting off some foam rubber at the bottom, and then re-sewing everything. If you don't want to do that, perhaps an equipment repair shop or a cobbler could do it for a good price.

Can you post some pics?

Sorry, nobody on my teams has a camera phone for pics.

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