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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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coffey and gaborik

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how do these curves compare , are they pretty much the same? im using a coffey curve on a sherwood blade right now but i know that the wood blade wont last very long and i really like the curve. but im getting a new SL soon and i was just wondering if the gaborik curve is identical to it. on paper theyre pretty much the same , but i just was wondering what you guys think

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i played with a coffey curve for 4 years,then the synergy came out and i tried to use the yzerman and i couldnt, the yzerman felt really strange and i went back to a coffey and it was perfect. This is just my opinion though,the transition might be very easy to you

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i played with a coffey curve for 4 years,then the synergy came out and i tried to use the yzerman and i couldnt, the yzerman felt really strange and i went back to a coffey and it was perfect. This is just my opinion though,the transition might be very easy to you

Gaborik is a lower lie than Yzerman, it shouldn't be as bad.

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i played with a coffey curve for 4 years,then the synergy came out and i tried to use the yzerman and i couldnt, the yzerman felt really strange and i went back to a coffey and it was perfect. This is just my opinion though,the transition might be very easy to you

Were your Coffey's wood?

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^Check the Pattern DB. They are close but the the same.

thats why i said that they're pretty much the same on paper. i just wanted an opinion from someone who has made the switch.

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Were your Coffey's wood?

yea,but after the synergy i tried an yzerman woody and it felt the same as the synergy

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