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Bauer Vapor Pro skates

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The LHS had a model of Bauer skates on sale today, they're called Bauer Vapor Pro and they look somewhat like the Vapor XX but it said PRO where it normally reads XX or XIV or XXX or whatever the model is. I can't find any info about these anywhere. Does anyone know anything about them? I don't think they are a top-end model but not a low-end either, seems to be someting in between, which would've been fine for me.

They were only about a third of the original price ($115 instead of $320 American) so it was a good deal, unfortunately they were too narrow for my feet. But I'm interested in hearing about them anyway as I can't find this particular model on the net.

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They are pro skates for pro players, I saw someone with some CCM white skates like Kovy two weeks ago and it was written pro instead of 1152 or 1052 or any models. Actually, he was a pro so they were made for him.

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CCM does sell their Pro Tacks at most hockey stores...Not in white that I've seen, but the Pro Tacks do say "Pro Tacks" on the tendon guard where the model #s are.

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CCM does sell their Pro Tacks at most hockey stores...Not in white that I've seen, but the Pro Tacks do say "Pro Tacks" on the tendon guard where the model #s are.

The CCM skates that I've seen was written PRO and not pro tacks, big difference.

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my local Canadian Tire had those Vapor Pro skates your talking about.. I don't know if it's the same one but it did say PRO Where it says XX, XV, X and V

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could it be something like THG because that confused me when that first came out i didnt know where in the rankings it stood

it may be a special item like for certain shops or maybe just a small upgrade

well i dont know....could be anything! ;)

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There is something missing in the thread, some of my post are not there anymore as sogaduch post too.

****EDIT****, Damn I'm stupid, It was not in this thread, it was in the custom skates topic and everything is fine in the topic, sorry.

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I might give them a try afterall, it depends on if I find any pair that fits my feet well. Does Bauer offer different widths or are they all narrow compared to other brands? I've been using CCM before and they seem to fit me well.

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Was it THIS model? I think this comes with a free VII OPS.

Close to that one, it's an ice hockey model though (with Tuuk holders), remove the -R in PRO-R and it looks very similar.

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They are pro skates for pro players, I saw someone with some CCM white skates like Kovy two weeks ago and it was written pro instead of 1152 or 1052 or any models. Actually, he was a pro so they were made for him.

Kovy was it Bruno Gervais? I remember he had CCM's but had to switch to Bauer and didn't like it

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then was it THIS one?

Bingo, that's the one! :)

I was wrong, that's not the ones afterall. Below is a pic I just took of the actual skates, I did find a fitting pair afterall. And I asked the guys at the LHS and it's actually a European model, they said it's an SMU for the sports store chain the LHS belongs to. They feel great, I've always been a CCM guy but these feel really good too.


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They are pro skates for pro players, I saw someone with some CCM white skates like Kovy two weeks ago and it was written pro instead of 1152 or 1052 or any models. Actually, he was a pro so they were made for him.

Kovy was it Bruno Gervais? I remember he had CCM's but had to switch to Bauer and didn't like it

no, it was Didier Beauchâté who is now playing in Europe. I know Gervais had them thought.

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then was it THIS one?

Bingo, that's the one! :)

I was wrong, that's not the ones afterall. Below is a pic I just took of the actual skates, I did find a fitting pair afterall. And I asked the guys at the LHS and it's actually a European model, they said it's an SMU for the sports store chain the LHS belongs to. They feel great, I've always been a CCM guy but these feel really good too.


They are just a european version of vapor xi

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They are pro skates for pro players, I saw someone with some CCM white skates like Kovy two weeks ago and it was written pro instead of 1152 or 1052 or any models. Actually, he was a pro so they were made for him.

Kovy was it Bruno Gervais? I remember he had CCM's but had to switch to Bauer and didn't like it

no, it was Didier Beauchâté who is now playing in Europe. I know Gervais had them thought.

I see. One of my one ice guys who played for Tri-City in the WHL, his names Ben Kilgour has them too, they are so heavy. But they do look sweet

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