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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBk and CCM question

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Hi there,

I have the opportunity to get a CCM 492 Tacks in 9.5 (which is my size) and a RBK SK3 for almost the same price.

So my questions are:

Do these models fit (almost) exactly?

And is D in CCM/RBK almost as wide as Bauer's EE ?

And (apart the fit) which model would you recommend/prefer.

Thanks !

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They are roughly the same width, you should fit fine in CCM's, but it really depends and you should be trying them on

I really wouldn't recommend either, which I know is frustrating because it's what you had your mind set on, but you can find other ex-top of the line skates for cheap right now. Look for 04' pro tacks, 8090's, 609's, 852's for the 350~ mark. I think if you look for those hard enough you can find em in that price range.

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I would go with the Tacks. Even though the 492 is on the lower-end of the hockey skate scale, it's still heat moldable which helps break them in. I don't think the lower side of the RBK skates can't be heated up, but then again, I believe the RBK's are softer so it may not be an issue.

As for width, Bauer is starting to be inconsistent with their widths so it's tough to know what you're comparing with. If you have any older Bauer skate or even a Vapor, I'd say their EE is in the ballpark of CCM's D. Of course you'd have to try them on to be sure. Sorry, I don't know much about the RBK widths, but I hear they're close to CCM.

As for Sherwood's comment, it's personal preference (and budget) but I see lots of people with too much skate for their ability or weight. I've said it here many times -- it is possible that skates are too stiff for lighter or inexperienced skaters. Some skate flex is a good thing. (And I speak from experience here.)

If you're not playing competitive hockey I'm sure the CCM 492 Tack will do you fine. If you are looking to play ice hockey, you won't find many people saying bad things about the Tacks 600 series. I skated on 652 Tacks for years and think very higly of them. In fact, I'd say they're the best skate value in the market. (I think Mike Modano still uses 652's!)

You could probably get a pair of 652 Tacks for the same price as the 492. The nine in the middle represents the new 2005 model. Before that everything was a X52 (i.e. 452, 652, 852 etc.)

Finally, another reason I'd shy away from the RBK is because they're brand new and you have no idea if there will be problems found out down the road. Tacks have been built for like 100 years so they've passed the test of time.

Good luck,


(an 852 Tacks wearer)

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The only flaw in your arguement is the 492 is also a brand new model. Reagarless of how long the name has been around, it's a new skate and that makes it no different from the RBK.

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The only flaw in your arguement is the 492 is also a brand new model. Reagarless of how long the name has been around, it's a new skate and that makes it no different from the RBK.

Fair enough Chadd. I haven't had a good look at any of the Tack X92's so I'm unfamiliar. Funny enough, my LHS (which has a lot of skates) only has the new Pro Tack on the shelf. I wonder if they'll get the other ones.

Anyway...back to my point that, provided they fit, some 652's may keep him in his price range and do the trick plus some!!


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Hi jjtt99,

thanks for that great support, that was what i wanted. We can talk via PM or some messenger if you want, i would like to.

I kinda happy that you confirmed my theory, that D is almost the same as Bauer's EE (speaking of newer Vapors)

I would also buy 692's but as far as i compared the infotexts from the CCM site, they just got a different tounge and a worse/other footbed (which isnt important for me since i bought superfeet and shockdrs) and because of that i can buy the 492s and spend the rest on beer or something (correct me if you have to)

I think the 492 is the right skate for me, i will try it on in the next couple of weeks, because i need new skates before i attend the summercamp.


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I think the new Tacks X92 generation is still a mystery to many. Folks like Chadd say they're so different it's really a new skate, but obviously CCM chose to keep them under the well known Tacks name.

In Vancouver, BC (a decent hockey market) I've only seen the new Pro Tacks on the shelves. Not sure if that means retailers are not going to sell the other models, or CCM hasn't delivered them yet.

The skate business has become very cluttered. I almost feel bad for retailers nowadays as the store I go to (Cyclone Taylor) has literally run out of room on their skate display wall -- and that's after they expanded it twice!

I have at least another year in my 852's but when I'm ready for new wheels I'm sure glad I have ModSquad to help me short list from the 100 to 10 or so!


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alot of companies are on backorder right now like june orders are expected in july and such, i think the X92 skates are made off shores and were just getting in our low end nikes and deck models this past week. so its everywhre pretty much

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